August 5, 2006

Food Science Impact to the Society

Food science is an interdisciplinary field that evolved first from chemistry, then microbiology and medicine.

The origin of food science is unclear but history reports that Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans were able to preserve a variety of foods on vinegar, brine, honey or pitch.

What is the impact of food science to the society? Perhaps the greatest impact of food science on society has come in the area of agriculture.

The earliest development of agriculture change nomadic societies to settles ones, because farming is more readily done on cultivated land that is already used as a farm.

Once the idea farming of the same land conceived, permanent shelter became more practical and the forerunners for modern house were built.

The protection of the house important enough to cause farmer to group together and to establish boundaries, the forerunners of modern day towns and cities were form.

What has the science done to increase population? In the first place, by machinery, fertilizers and improved breeds it has increased the yield per acre and the yield per man hour of labor.

Food science is responding to present day and expected future health and safety trends. The use of sciences such biotechnology, genetic engineering, computer technology, microbiology and chemistry will allow the food scientist to help bring to the marketplace new foods that will met the needs and desires of the consumer.

The discovery and utilization of scientific principles in food sciences, culminating in the preparation, packaging and distribution of process food, have provided a supply of safe, wholesome, and nutritious foods unknown before in history.

Food science will have a great impact at the manufacturing product and consumer levels, resulting in more efficient production of foodstuff and effecting improvements in both quality and “freshness.”

The multifactor nature of food is considered in the production of high quality, safe, nutritious food. Food science has been an integral part of society, The contribution of food scientists to the global world food supply is immense.
Food Science Impact to the Society

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