May 18, 2007

Food Scientist Overview

Food science is the discipline in which biology, physical science and engineering are used to study the nature of foods, the causes of their deteriorations, and the principles underlying food processing.

Food scientists is the scientist who study food science. They study physical, microbiological, and chemical, makeup-of food; develop ways of process, preserve, package, and store it, according to the specifications and regulations of industry and government.

Generally, food scientist conduct basic and applied research to develop new practices and products related to food and agriculture.

People buy food in containers. Yet seldom think of the vast food industry and the researchers who develop the means to deliver tasty, nutritious, convenient, and safe foods.

One of the area research by food scientists is food processing. Food processing has a long history. For thousand of years people salted, dried. Smoked pickled, and chilled their foods. Canned and frozen foods are fairly recent development. Dried and freeze-dried foods are now common. Researchers over the years have found new and better ways to process, package, and preserve foods from the time of the harvest to the time they go on the table.

Competent food scientist are fully aware of the existing constraints and the needs of both the agriculture producers and the food industries and thus will produce more feasible technologies.

The food processing industry is vital to the economy. Food scientists hold an important place in their field. Their efforts make more nutritious food available to the public, to the developing countries suffering from famine.

Many food scientist work in academic and government settings, where they conduct basic research to gain new knowledge and understanding about the composition and properties of different foods – meats, dairy products, grains, vegetables and fruit.

Food scientists also involved in establishing international food standards to promote an facilitate world trade.
Food Scientist Overview

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