August 14, 2008


Proteins are the chief organic constituents of muscles and other tissues. Proteins are the major components of the enzymes that regulate and carry out the general metabolism and functional process of living things.

Proteins are parts of the intracellular and intercellular structure of animals; they make up the structure and composition of many hormones and antibodies (disease related components)), and are concerned with many other factors to involved with body functions.

Proteins contain nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, and sometimes sulfur and phosphorus. All proteins contain nitrogen at a level of about 16%. The analysis of proteins is determined indirectly by analyzing for protein nitrogen, then multiplying the result by 6.25 to determine the actual amount of protein analyzed.

Because proteins contain carbon, they can be used as fuel since part of the molecule can be oxidized, sometimes involving deamination, to supply energy.

Proteins are required by humans for growth (protein synthesis) and for repair and maintenance of cells. Since mature adults have, in essence, ceased to grow, their protein requirement is less, per unit weight, than that of those who are still growing.