May 11, 2009

The Goals of Modern Food processing

The Goals of Modern Food processing
A logical basic sequence of steps to produce an acceptable and quality food product from raw materials.

Easy production procedure
Develop methods that can facilitate the various steps of production.

Time economy
A cohesive plan that combines the science of production and manual labor to reduce the time needed to produce the product.

Application of modern science and technology to assure the consistency of each batch of products.

Product and worker safety
The government and the manufacturers work closely to make sure that the product is wholesome for public consumption and the workers work in a safe environment.

Buyer friendliness
Assuming the buyer dislikes the product, the manufacturer must do everything humanly possible to ensure that the product is user friendly (size, cooking instructions, keeping quality, convenience, etc).

Obviously, to achieve all these goals is not a simple matter. The first question is why do we want to process food?

At present, there are many modern reasons why foods are processed, for example, adding value to a food, improving visual appeal and convenience.

However, traditionally the single most important reason we wish to process food is to make last longer without spoiling.

Probably the oldest methods of achieving this goal are the salting of meat and fish, the fermenting of milk and the pickling of vegetable.
The Goals of Modern Food processing

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