February 22, 2010

Motility of Microbes

Motility of Microbes
Many types of bacteria are motile or are able to move about in the solutions in which they live by means of the movement flagella, thin, protoplasmic, whiplike projections of the cells.

Some bacteria, as the cocci, have no flagella and are not motile.

Molds are not motile, but they spread in vinelike fashion by sending hyphae outward.

Yeast are not motile, consequently, they exist in relatively compact clusters unless distributed by agitation or by some other external dispersing force.

Cyanobacteria have no flagella, but they are capable of gliding to solid substrata. In addition, gas vacuoles allow bacteria and cyanobacteria to float or sink.

The amoeboid protozoan and Euglena are capable of moving across solid surfaces by changing the shape of their cells.
Motility of Microbes

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