February 16, 2010

Protein as Emulsifying agent and Foaming agent

Protein as Emulsifying agent and Foaming agent
Emulsifying agent
Emulsion is dispersion of one liquid in another liquid. An emulsion is a heterogenous system made up of two phases.

A substance which stabilizes an emulsion, is known as an emulsifying agent.

If oil an water are shaken vigorously, the two liquids are dispersed to form an emulsion. Such an emulsion is unstable, and in order to stabilize it, a third substance called an emulsifying agent or emulsifier, must be added.

Emulsifying agents are substance whose molecular contain both hydrophilic (water loving) and hydrophobic (water hating) groups.

Proteins act as emulsifying agents, because of their amphoteric nature. For example, in preparation of mayonnaise, eggs act as emulsifying agent.

Foaming agent
Formation of foam is necessary in some food preparation. Proteins when beaten are able to hold in the air, and thus improve the texture and feel of the food. Ice cream and lemon meringue are excellent of this property.
Protein as Emulsifying agent and Foaming agent