March 7, 2010

Food Sources of Protein and its Deficiency

Food Sources of Protein and its Deficiency
Plants are the primary source of proteins, as they synthesize protein by combining nitrogen and water from soil with carbohydrate from the air. All animals and fish depend on the plants to provide them proteins.

Pulses, nuts, oilseeds, milk and milk products, eggs, poultry and meat are the good sources of protein in the diet.

Functions of protein
The principles functions of protein in the body are as follows:

  • Building new tissues in growth stage of life, from conception up to adulthood, and after injury.
  • Maintenance of tissues already built and replacement of regular losses
  • As regulatory substance for internal water and acid base balance
  • Formation of enzymes, antibodies, some hormones and one of the B-vitamins
  • Formation of milk
  • Energy supplies. Each gram of protein supplies four calories to the body

Deficiency of proteins
The deficiency of proteins and energy to a a varying extent is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies in some countries.

Children tend to have retardation of growth and adolescent have thin and lanky bodies, pregnant women gain insufficient weight an have babies who are low in weight at birth, who may be at risk.

Severe deficiency of proteins in early stage may result in development of kwashiorkor in small children. If severe protein deficiency is accompanied by lack of dietary energy, nutritional marasmus occurs.
Food Sources of Protein and its Deficiency