March 15, 2010

Functions of Carbohydrate in Food

Functions of Carbohydrate in Food
The carbohydrates in our diet come from plant foods. Simple carbohydrates include the different forms of sugar (monosaccharides and disaccharides); complex carbohydrates (polysaccharides) include starches and dietary fiber.

Carbohydrates are called carbohydrates because they are essentially hydrates of carbon. Specifically they are component of carbon and water and have a composition of Cn(H2O)n.

The major nutritional role of carbohydrate is to provide energy; digestible carbohydrate provide 4 kilocalories per gram.

No single carbohydrate is essential, but carbohydrates do participate in many requires functions on the body.

Carbohydrates perform these function in food:
  • Flavor enhancing and sweetening due to caramelization
  • Water binding
  • Contributing to texture (starch, gluten)
  • Hygroscopic nature/’water absorption
  • Providing source of yeast food
  • Regulating gelatin of pectin dispersing molecules of protein or starch
  • Acting to subdivide shortening for creaming control crystallization
  • Preventing spoilage
  • Delaying coagulation proteins
  • Giving structure due to crystals
  • Affecting osmosis
  • Affecting color of fruits
  • Affecting texture (viscosity, structure)
  • Contributing flavor other than sweetness
Depending in the food, carbohydrates play many roles. For examples, in lollipops the sugar, glucose and/or glucose and fructose will control crystallization, give structures due to sucrose and serve as a flavor enhancer and sweetener due to all three sugars.

In more complex system such as a pineapple upside down cake, carbohydrate play many roles as it consists of all categories of carbohydrates-monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides.

Functions of Carbohydrate in Food

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