January 11, 2011

Seafood is risk factor for gout

There is small but significant association between incidence of gout and increased consumption of seafood.

What is gout? Gout is considered a form of arthritis that may benefit from anti-inflammatory diet that restricts saturated fat and sugar and includes omega-3 fatty acids.

People with gout suffer from joint pain caused by a buildup of uric acid.

Uric acid is the end product of the degradation of chemical called purines. The diet most often recommended for gout restricts purines.

Purine is one of uric acid component. Seafood rich purines especially sardines and anchovies.

Most of our own purines are recycled for re-use by our cells. The problem is that our food contributes to purines, which are broken down immediately in the gut membranes to create uric acid before transported in the blood to the kidney.

If the level of uric acid raised in the blood due to purine rich food and drink is taken rapidly where no more can be dissolved, crystal will form.

Crystal will be deposited in joints and soft tissue, where they cause local mechanical pressure and acute or chronic inflammation.

In the early stages, gout is characterized by episodic attacks of joint inflammation, which are usually monoarticular (affecting one joint) and begin abruptly with intense pain, swelling, warmth and redness of the affected joint.

What are the symptoms of gout?
*Pain and swelling within joint
*Often, an initial episode that occurs at night.
*Red skin around the affected joint.
*Extreme tenderness around the joint
Seafood is risk factor for gout

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