April 17, 2011

Facts About Caffeine

Technically refer as an alkaloid, caffeine, a chemical sometimes called ‘theine,’ ‘guaranine,’ or ‘matein,’ according to whether tea, guarana or mate, rather than coffee, is regarded as its eponymous natural source, occurs in the nuts berries, beans, seeds, pods, hulls, leaves and barks of several dozen varieties of plants.

Caffeine is odorless an has characteristics bitter taste. It is a white powder solvents and water. However it solubility in water is considerably increased at higher temperature.

Caffeine is very weak base, reacting with acid to yield readily hydrolyzed salts and relatively stable in dilute acids and alkali.

It is the most commonly consumed supplement in the world. First it increases mental and physical. Many athletes use caffeine in coffee, tea, or pill form, believing that it ill give their performance a boosts.

Second, its enables people to exercise harder for a longer time, so they can achieve the goal more quickly. And third, it helped the body to burn more fat, so that it lose will lose weight in a shorter time.

Caffeine supplies people with a physical and mental boosts. Caffeine provides plants with protection by killing harmful bacteria and fungi and causing sterility in certain destructive insect.

Caffeine’s potent antibiotic, antifungal, pest killing powers may explain why Coffee robusta, which procures a larger amount of the drug, is much hardier that its more delicate cousin, Coffee arabica.

At high doses of usage, caffeine can cause anxiety, nervousness, increased blood pressure disordered eating, insomnia and an irregular heart rate.

It also disrupts energy supply, fluids levels and availability of nutrients in the blood stream, thus hurting the consistency of body performance rather than enhancing it.
Facts About Caffeine