October 6, 2011

Mechanical of textural characteristics

Texture is one of primary sensory properties of foods that related entirely to the sense of touch or feel and is, therefore, potentially capable of precise measurement objectively by mechanical means in fundamental units of mass or force.

In food application, the term texture is used to describe quality attributes of food materials having to do with sensory to touching or feeling the food material, such as being hard soft or brittle or crispy.

Research with consumers in the United States showed that awareness of texture lies at a subconscious level and that textural properties are taken for granted.

The experts classified the textural characteristics of food into mechanical and geometric properties and those related to the fat and moisture of food. Mechanical characteristics are those parameters related to the reaction of food to stress.

Mechanical of textural characteristics include five basic primary parameters:
*Hardness – the force necessary to attain a given deformation.
*Cohesiveness – the strength of the internal bonds making up the body of the product.
*Viscosity – the rate flow per unit force
*Elasticity – the rate at which a deformed material reverts to its undeformed condition after the deforming force is removed.
*Adhesiveness – the work necessary to overcome the attractiveness forces between the force of the food and the surface of other materials with which the food comes in contact.

While the secondary characteristics are:
Mechanical of textural characteristics