October 10, 2011

What is food irradiation?

Food irradiation has generally come to describe the use of ionizing radiation, an energetic charged particles such as electrons and alpha particles, or energetic photons such as gamma rays and x-rays to decrease the population of, or prevent the growth of, undesirable biological organism in food in a controlled manner.

Food irradiation is unique because the ionizing radiation is penetrating and transfer energy without a significant rise in temperature, thus it its termed a ‘cold process.’

Exposing food to radiation energy disrupts the organic processes essential to life and the reproduction of organisms.

It will destroy pests and pathogens on food and agricultural products. It also used to delay the ripening and extend shelf-life of fruits and inhibit the sprouting of certain vegetables such as potato. .

During the irradiation process, energy waves from gamma rays, electrons, or X-rays break molecular bonds inside the genetic materials of pathogens, spoilage organism and insects, such cause them to die or prevents them from replicating.

Food irradiation has become established as a better alternative for food preservation. It eliminates the use of harmful chemicals for treatments.

There is no other food processing technology that has been so extensively researched as food irradiation.
What is food irradiation?

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