December 14, 2011

What is flavonoids?

The term ‘flavonoid’ is generally used to describe a broad collection of natural products that include a C6-C3-C6 carbon framework, or more specifically a phenylbenzopran functionality.

Flavonoids known for their health promoting qualities and disease preventing dietary supplements, are found in whole grain, soy, vegetables, fruits, herbs, spices, teas, chocolate, nuts, olive oils and red wine. Many flavonoids act as antioxidant and may protect against cancers.

Epidemiological, in vitro and animal studies indicate that flavonoids exert protection against cardiovascular diseases.

The cardio-protective effect of flavonoids can be attributed to its antioxidant, anti-thrombogenic and lipid lowering properties and also its effect on promoting endothelial function.

Because flavonoids often impart a bitter taste to foods, food producers may refine away natural flavonoids to please consumers who generally prefer milder flavors.

The type and the concentration of individual flavonoids change during ripening and within the different fruit tissue, thus demonstrating the spatial and temporal dynamics of flavonoids occurrence in tomato fruits.  
What is flavonoids?

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