January 2, 2012

Mangiferin in mango

Mangiferin, the xanthone, which is C-glycosylated is very widespread, occurring in ferns as well as in higher plants.

It was reported, a natural chemical mangiferin, found in the stem bark of the mango tree inhibits tumor growth in early and late stages of cancer.

Mangiferin imparts cardiotonic, diuretic and hepato-protective properties to the mango. Mangiferin concentration of 4.4 ug/g was determined in a mango puree.

Mangiferin has been reported to show protective against CCl4 induced liver injury in rats.

Mangiferin was tested in bowel carcinogenesis of a male rat and showed great inhibitory effects and can be classified as a potential chemopreventive agent.

Xanthone mangiferin has been shown to lower blood glucose levels for type 2 diabetes. It improve hyperinsulinemia, possible by decreasing insulin resistance, and to exhibit alpha-glucosidase and aldose reductase-inhibitory activities.

Mangiferin, together with epigallocatechin gallate has been found to be able to have a protective effect on lipid peroxidation in red blood cells. Possibly due to its antioxidant activity.
Mangiferin in mango

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