February 20, 2012

Adulteration of milk

Adulteration of milk can be intentional or unintentional. Intentional adulteration occurs when farmers add compounds to the raw milk, such as water and sugar, in attempt to increase its volume and at the same time maintain its deposit, so the hygrometer will not detect changes in specific gravity.

The adulteration of milk may occur by accident or by design though in the developed country it is not common as it once was. Thus may not be so for other countries with less well developed agricultural system, fewer controls within the dairy industry and different incentive schemes for diary farmers.

Adulteration of milk and milk products constitutes of fraudulent practice in the dairy industry that stems from several reasons depending on the type of adulteration.

Cow milk is frequently used for adulteration because of its prevailing p0rodcution in the world and its lower price as compared to other types.

One of the common types of adulteration is the mixing or substitution of ovine, caprine or water-buffalo milk with bovine milk for the production of cheeses.

 Extension of pure milk filled can be determined by nitrogen content of soluble whey protein after coagulation of casein with 10% acetic acid.

A steady decrease is noted after addition of increasing levels of filled milk to pure milk.

Consumer confidence in dairy products is currently a very sensitive issue, following the intentional adulteration post-farm gate of melamine, such as was first detected in China during August 2008.
Adulteration of milk