March 29, 2012

Food additives: functions and the principles

At the turn of the century, changes in population from agriculture to industrial had resulted in a need to establish distribution systems to supply the growing population of the cities with food.

Therefore, food additives are used to preserve the quality of the food and maintain its appeal and at times to restore diminished nutritional value.

It is added to food during its production, processing, treatment, storage or packaging. Some additives are used to change a food’s color or maintain its natural color. Other additives prevent food from spoiling or increase a product’s nutritional value.

According to expert, food deterioration results when the food supply is more than the consumption.

Deterioration can also accrue during the long time required in transit or during storage before it actually reached the consumers.

The current forms of food production and distribution have increased the demand for longer shelf life. Furthermore, the world food supply situation requires preservations by avoiding deterioration as much as possible.

The quality of food can be affected by physical, chemical, biochemical and microbiological processes.

The addition of permitted chemicals substances or food additives can prevent or greatly impede the process of deterioration.

A few principles governing the use of a food additive:
*Technological effective
*Safe in use. Food additives and their degradation products should be non-toxic at their recommend levels of use.
*Absolutely necessary quantity
*Never with the intention of misleading the consumer about the nature or quality of a food
*Minimum use of non-nutrient food additive. They are added to the food in carefully controlled amounts during processing.
*The additives are applied only when required for the nutritive or sensory value of food.
Food additives: functions and the principles