June 24, 2012

Nutrition value of rye

Rye has some advantages over wheat because of the higher content of dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, phytoestrogens and lysine in rye.

It is generally consumed as whole grain products. Rye (Secale cereal.L) is a traditional, although not very widely used, raw material for baking.

Rye flour is not significantly higher in oil than wheat flour. However, because it is higher in polyunsaturated fatty acids, rye oil oxidized more easily, producing rancid off flavors.

Compared with wheat, rye generally contains less starch and crude protein but more dietary fiber.

The major dietary fiber constituents of rye are arabinoxylan, B-glucan, cellulose, lignin and fructan.

One of the nutritional benefits of rye is the presence of fibrous complex carbohydrates called pentosans that may reduce certain types of cancer and heart disease.

Rye has an energy value intermediate to that of wheat and barley and the protein content is similar to that of barley and oats. Although the amino acids balance is similar to that of barley and wheat, its amino acids digestively is 5-10% lower.  
Nutrition value of rye

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