June 3, 2012

Secret Formula

Many food manufacturing company have proudly announced that they have so called ingredients in their products and secret ways of making their products.

Secret formula is basically information that the company protecting and keeping secret to give the product an advantage over the competitors.

Part of the reason for the secret sauces and ingredients is to hype their products. Furthermore, the proclamations of secret ingredients discourages consumers and competitors from trying to make similar products in their premises, thus depriving manufacturers of potential sales.

The advantage of a secret formula is that it may be used for much longer time period than a patent.

Finally , there are secrets in every industry and companies do not want to give their competitors any hint of what goes into their successful products or product lines, since manufacturers try to duplicate the competition’s products that are successful.

The secret formula doesn’t have the same time duration or constraints as a patent, which expires after a certain amount of time. A secret formula can remain perpetually protected as long as it remains a secret.

There are two key elements that go into recipe. First, there are the ingredients and the percentages of each used. Even the locale in which they were purchased will have an effect on taste. Second, there are the processes that are used to make the food product.

This include cooking or baking temperature and time length, aging processes, means and sequence of combining ingredients and much more. The secret formula for Cadbury’s chocolate is purportedly known only by six people and the formula itself is stored in a vault.

Milton Hershey experimented with process and created a secret formula for processing the milk. In 1900, he manufacturing milk chocolate candies while continue to improvise formula, which he continued to perfect the through 1905.

In 1900, Hershey manufactured the Hershey’s Chocolate Bar.

Mars, Inc, one of the most secretive companies in the world, requiring employees to sign nondisclosure that they will not impart any information about Mars to outsiders.

Soda manufacturer are also notoriously famous for their secret formulas, Roy Allen who launched A & W Root Beer, reportedly purchased the formula for his root beer from a pharmacist in Arizona. Until to this day, its unique blend of herbs, spices, barks and berries remains a proprietary secret.

The Coca-Cola Company has long maintained the secret formula for making its beverages and purportedly only a handful of people know it. Despite the criticism, the Coca-Cola has continued to expand throughout the world and to generate substantial profits.

The formula for Coca-Cola is a trade secret. The listing of the ingredients on the back of can is required by FDA but nobody know how much of what ingredient to put into making the product nor method of combining the ingredients in order to obtain a specific taste.

It has reported that a few individuals hold Coca-Cola’s secret formula and each individual holds the key to only a portion of the formula and process.
Secret Formula

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