October 28, 2012

Aluminum in human body

Largely as a result of the insolubility of most aluminum compounds, this element is normally poorly absorbed through the lungs, skin and gastrointestinal tract.

Most aluminum is food passes through the gut without being absorbed. Absorption is prevented by the presence of silicon, appears to be encouraged by citric acid since this forms a soluble compound with aluminum.

Aluminum is added to food as a firming agent, a leavening agent, emulsifier and stabilizer and to control pH.

Aluminum sulfate and alums are commonly used to treat municipal water supplies which have a high colloidal or suspended natter content.

The total aluminum concentration in the human body is 9 ppm (dry mass). In some organs, specifically spleen, kidneys and lung concentration up to 100 ppm (dry mass) may exist.

Increased aluminum may also cause osteomalacia. It is also believed that aluminum could play a role in the cause of leukemia, and some cancer.

There is also a debate as to whether aluminum is a causative agent of some forms of Alzheimer’s disease.
Aluminum in human body

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