October 8, 2012

The importance of dietary fiber in human body

Nutritionally, dietary fiber has been associated with weight control, diverticulitis, duodenal ulcers, colon cancer, cholesterol reduction and diabetes mellitus.

What is dietary fiber? Dietary fiber is the edible parts of plants or analogous carbohydrates that are resistant to digestion and absorption in the human small intestine with complete or partial fermentation in the large intestine.

Scientists already ascertained that plant based fiber helps to prevent several disease. They found relationship between the fiber content of food and serum cholesterol of consumers.

Significant intestinal diseases can be cured and prevented with an increase on food fiber.

Dietary fiber is important for normal bowel function and may play a role in the prevention of chronic diseases such as certain cancer, coronary artery disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Adequate fiber intake is also thought to reduce serum cholesterol levels, moderate blood sugar levels and reduce the risk obesity.

By increased fiber intake it lowered the risk for coronary heart disease because saturated fats often take the place of fiber in the diet, thus increasing the absorption and formation of cholesterol.

Fiber has no nutritional value and provides no energy and human body cannot digest and absorb fiber.
The importance of dietary fiber in human body

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