March 5, 2013

Role of fats in food

Fats are important in foods as well as in the body. The unique chemical configuration of the fat molecule is the key to the uses of fats in foods.

In food, fats provide a source so essential fatty acids, add calorie density or energy, act as carriers for flavors, carry fat soluble vitamins, contribute to texture and mouthfeel. Become precursors of flavor and provide heat transfer medium in frying.

It also contributes shortening power, emulsions and influences the fats melting point, plasticity, appearance, satiety and nutritional content.

A major function of fats is their ability to act as medium for heat transfer to foods without burning them – butter in the frying pan, oil in the deep fryer, and peanut oil in the work.

Their function is particularly important in pastry and bread which little or no sugar to contribute to tenderness. Fats, being insoluble in water interfere with gluten development during mixing. Therefore, fats act as shortenings in the preparation of baked products.

High fat foods may deliver many unneeded calories in only a few bites to the person who is not expending much physical energy.

Fat is important for another reason. Some essential nutrient are soluble in fat and therefore are found mainly in foods that contain it. These nutrient are the essential fatty acids and the fat soluble vitamins – A, D, E, K. 

Fats by themselves tend to be tasteless, they absorb and retain the favor of substances that’s surround them. Fats in meat and other food pick up flavors from their environment and give those flavors to the food.
Role of fats in food

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