August 19, 2013

Food allergy symptoms

What is food allergy? A food allergy is an immune system response that creates antibodies to attack substances in a food that body immune system identifies as harmful.

Having sudden allergic symptoms within an hour or two of eating a food should raise suspicions of food allergy. Symptoms of food allergies including:

Respiratory symptoms
*Rhinitis – copious watery discharged from mucous membrane of nose
*Asthma – pulmonary distress or breathing difficulty

Cutaneous symptoms
*Urticaria – hives. It is one of the most common symptoms of anaphylaxis.
*When foods cause a constant inflammation in the body, the person may have chronic rashes of allergic eczema, also called atopic dermatitis.

Gastrointestinal symptoms
*They may be gut symptoms of vomiting, pain or diarrhea. Chronic stomachache can be the sign of a food allergy.
*Diarrhea – watery stools, usually with cramping
*Itching in the mouth
*Swelling of the tongue

Other symptoms
*Angio-edema/edema – swelling, often widespread and severe especially when affecting the oral / laryngeal area. It is one of the common symptoms of anaphylaxis.
*Anaphylactic shock –severe generalized shock – can result in death headache. Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic retain that is rapid in onset and can be fatal.
*Weight loss and poor growth of children
Food allergy symptoms