September 12, 2013

Parmesan cheese

Cheese, most commonly Parmesan is often used in pasta dishes. Sometimes it is part of the sauce, sometimes simply used as a garnish.

Parmesan is probably the most famous of all Italian cheeses. The history of Parmesan cheese dates back to the twelve century, when it was developed by Benedictine and Cistercian monks of Italy’s Po River Valley. 

Parmesan is hard granular light yellow cheese with a very strong flavor which blends extremely well with meat, tomato and vegetable sauces as well as some creamy sauces and soups.

Parmesan is also excellent eaten as a sliced cheese. It come in various qualities: Vecchio, which is two years old; Stravecchio, which is three years old, and the superior Stravecchione which is at least four years old and can be aged for twenty years or even more.

Parmigiano-Reggiano is a Parmesan cheese made in the area around Parma, Italy. It has a sweet, salty, nutty flavor with a slightly granular texture.

Parmesan is made from part-skim milk and thus is naturally low in fat.
Parmesan cheese