October 7, 2013

The benefits of Insoluble fiber

Fibers can be breakdown according to whether they insoluble or water soluble. Insoluble fiber includes cellulose and lignin.

Insoluble fiber appeases the appetite, reduced bacterial toxins, speeds the elimination of waste, absorbs toxins, softens stools, and improves bowel disorders.

Insoluble fiber holds water in the colon, thereby increasing bulk and stimulating the muscles of the digestive tract so that they retain their health and tone.

The toned muscles can more easily move waste products though the colon for excretion.

When consumed with sufficient amount of fluid, insoluble fiber can help prevent and alleviate constipation. 

However, consuming immoderate amounts of insoluble fiber may decrease the absorption of certain minerals, such as irons, calcium, and magnesium.

Foods high in insoluble fiber are wheat, whole grains, brown rice, cereals, seeds, and the skin of many fruits and vegetables.

Bran is a common and inexpensive source of insoluble fiber. Cold bran cereals have more insoluble fiber that hot cereals.
The benefits of Insoluble fiber

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