February 19, 2014

Pungent taste

There are six primary taste sensations-sweet, sour, salty, bitter, astringent and pungent. Being the hottest of the six taste, the pungent taste is very well known for increasing the strength and power of digestion.

Pungent taste are strong, hot, spicy, acrid and biting. Such taste are found in mustard greens, onions, garlic, chili peppers, cayenne, cinnamon, radishes and ginger.

Black pepper contains 3-8% of piperine as the most important pungent substance. While the pungent principle of capsicum is capsaicin. It show similarity to the compound zingerone, the pungent principle of ginger.

In small amounts pungent tastes stimulate the digestion, clear the sinuses, dispel gas from the body. The taste is warming, increases circulation and promotes sweating. It is purported to help liquefy body fat and to expel it from the body as well as to increase metabolism.

If excess pungent taste, the foods cause a burning sensation and thirst in the throat, a dryness of mouth and lips, intense body heat and gastritis.

Pungent tastes can also burn mouth, make the eyes water, and create excess mucus secretion.
Pungent taste