February 20, 2016

Definition of food

Food is that which nourishes the body. Food may also be defined as anything eaten or drunk which meets the needs for energy, building, regulation and protection of the body.

Food  is defined by the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission as a substances, whether processed, semi-processed, or raw, which is intended for human consumption and includes drink, chewing gum, and any substances that has been used in the manufacture, preparation or treatment of food but does not include cosmetic, tobacco or substances used only as drugs.

In short, food is the raw material form which human bodies are made. Intake of the right kinds and amounts of food can ensure good nutrition and health which may evident in human appearance efficiency and emotional well-being.

Food should be stable and must be safe. These requirements mean that the products must not endanger the health of the consumer with micro-organisms or their toxins, or deteriorate owing to enzyme or microbial activity, at any stage from production through storage and retail consumption.
Definition of food

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