February 28, 2016

Minerals in milk

Milk is important source of growth-supporting mineral, also referred to as type II nutrients, such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc. Milk contains about 30 different minerals, but only a few of them are present in greater than trace amounts.

The normal levels of the major mineral constituents of cow’s milk are listed below. These are average values; there is a considerable natural variation in the levels of these constituents.

The two most abundant are calcium and phosphorus. Calcium constitutes about 30 percent of the total minerals in milk. In turn about 30 percent of the total calcium is soluble.

Milk also an important source of phosphorus. This essential mineral plays a central role in metabolism and is a component of lipids, proteins and carbohydrates.

A number of factors influence the variations in salt composition, such as feed, season, breed and individually of the cow, stages of lactation and udder infections.
Minerals in milk

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