April 7, 2017

Phenolic compounds of punicalagin

Pomegranate is a rich source of many phenolic compounds including ellagitannins. Punicalagin is one of ellagitannins.

The potent antioxidant and anti-atherosclerotic activates of pomegranate juice are attributed to its polyphenol, including punicalagin, the major fruit ellagitannin and ellagic acid.
Punicalagin is the largest molecular weight and most abundant polyphenol known with a molecular weight of greater than 1000 has been reported to be responsible for over half of the juice’s potent antioxidant activity.

Punicalagin was shown to release ellagic acid in cell culture media, which actively induced apoptosis of colon cancer-derived Caco-2 cells.
Phenolic compounds of punicalagin