April 12, 2017

Protein carbonylation

The oxidation of food proteins is one of the emerging research topics within food science, in particular, in the field of meat and meat products.

In cells where the redox balance is disturbed, excessive oxidation of proteins can take place. One of the most damaging of these modifications is protein carbonylation in which proteins are modified through the addition of carbonyl groups to specific side chains located in their active center.

Protein carbonylation is present at physiological level in living cells, and increases with ageing or during pathological conditions.

Carbonylation is generally recognized as one of the most remarkable chemical modification in oxidized proteins. Protein carbonylation increased in trout muscle kept at room temperature for 48 hrs compared to fresh muscle, showing in the myofibriallar protein fraction the biggest increase in carbonylation during fish tainting.

Protein carbonylation can be generated by conjugation with aldehydes produced during peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids or by reacting with carbonyl derivatives generated by reactions with carbohydrates.
Protein carbonylation

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