April 26, 2018

Lauric acid

Lauric acid is a major fatty acid found in “tropical oils. Chemically Lauric acid is known as n-Dodecanoic acid, Dodecylic acid, Dodecoic acid; Laurostearic acid, Vulvic acid, 1-Undecanecarboxylic acid and Duodecylic acid.

The molecular formula for lauric acid is C12H24O2 . It is colorless needles, insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol and ether. Boiling point 298.9 °C; melting point 44 °C; density 0.833.

There are only a few basic foods that contain lauric acid more than trace amounts. These foods include: extracted lauric acids (coconut, palm kernel), whole coconut, cream coconut (bar), coconut cream (fresh or canned), coconut milk (fresh or canned), heavy cream, table cream, half and half, whole milk.

Commercial lauric acid is usually a mixture of solid acids obtained by saponifying coconut oil or it is the residue remaining after removal of caproic, caprylic and capric acids from the mixed acids by distillation.

In the human body, lauric acid is converted into a highly beneficial compound called monolaurin, an antiviral, antibacterial, and antiprotozoal monoglyceride that destroys a wide variety of disease causing organisms. Among saturated fatty acids, lauric acid has been shown to contribute the least to fat accumulation.
Lauric acid