October 27, 2019

Nutrient in grapefruit

Grapefruits are large, rounded citrus fruit. The fruits were bred in 18th century as a cross between pomelo and orange. They were given the name grapefruit because of the way they grew in clusters similar to grapes.

Like oranges and 100% orange juice, grapefruit and100% grapefruit juice are also citrus fruits that are particularly concentrated sources of vitamin C and a source of other nutrients.

Research has shown vitamin C may help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, cataracts, and heart disease. It may even help boost body immune system and decrease the likelihood of a cold.

Raw grapefruit juice (per 100gm) contain calories 37-42, moisture 89.2-90.4g, niacin0.2mg, ascorbic acid 36-40mg, vitamin A 10-440IU, potassium 162mg, phosphorus 15mg, calcium9mg, carbohydrate 8.8-10.2g, protein 0.4-0.5g,fat 0.1g, iron 0.2mg, sodium 1.0mg, riboflavin0.02mg, thiamine 0.04mg.

In addition to vitamins and minerals, citrus fruits also contain several phytonutrients. Grapefruit, particularly pink and red varieties, provide the carotenoids β-carotene and lycopene.

Grapefruit juice help to lower risk from many diseases and also help to reduce weight. Grapefruit also provides naringin, a flavonoid in the flavanone subclass that may have cardiovascular benefits. In animal studies, naringin has been reported to have beneficial effects on neuro-inflammation, blood lipids, and bone mineral content.

The pulp is considered an effective aid in the treatment of urinary disorders. Leaf extractions have shown antibiotic activity.
Nutrient in grapefruit