November 1, 2020

A-type pro-anthocyanidins

Pro-anthocyanidins, also called condensed tannins, are oligomers and polymers of monomeric flavonoids. Pro-anthocyanidins are present in flowers, nuts, fruits, bark, and seeds of various plants, as a defense against biotic and abiotic stressors.

Pro-anthocyanidins can be differentiated into B-type or A-type depending on their interflavanic linkages.

A-type pro-anthocyanidins containing double interflavanyl linkages (for example, procyanidin A2: epicatechin (2b→7,4b→8)-epicatechin) compared to B-type pro-anthocyanidins that have a single interflavanyl bond, typically between C4→C8 (for example procyanidin B2: epicatechin–(4b→8)-epicatechin.

The most common A-type compounds are A1 and A2. A-type pro-anthocyanidins were found in only three fruits (cranberry, avocado and plum), one nut (peanut), and two spices (cinnamon and curry).

Study shows that cinnamon, which contains a series of unique trimeric and tetrameric procyanidins with A-type linkages, significantly decreased plasma levels of triglycerides and total and LDL cholesterol, when administered (1–6 g=day) just for 20 days.

Pro-anthocyanidins found in cranberry juice with A-type linkages prevented adhesion of uropathogenic P-fimbriated E. coli suggesting they may help to maintain a healthy urinary tract.
A-type pro-anthocyanidins