October 17, 2020

Anti-caking agent in food products

Caking, whereby free-flowing particles aggregates to form lumps, of food powders is a common problem which can contribute to reduced product quality, functionality and shortened shelf­‐life. It can occur during processing, handling or storage and could therefore be a problem both in the production lines and for the consumers.

Function food additives can be classified by their functional purpose. Most falling to just two categories:
*those that assist in manufacture or use
*those that produce end-product characteristics
Free-flow or anti- caking agents fall into the first category.

Anti-caking agents, prevents the formation of lumps making these products manageable for packaging, transport, and for use by end consumer. Anti-caking agent is the food additive that prevents agglomeration in certain solids, permitting a free-flowing condition. It reduces the tendency of particles of food to adhere to one another.

Anti-caking agents are added in very small amounts to powders and other food products like table salt, spices, milk powder, flour, sugar and many more pantry friendly items. They allow a wide range of products to freely flow when they’re being used. They often appear in products that are more susceptible to clumping such sugar or flour.

Types of anti-caking agent
*Anti-caking agent
*Anti-stick agent
*Drying agent
*Dusting agent 
Anti-caking agent in food products