October 4, 2020

Ghee Oil: Fat Content

Ghee has been produced by clarification of milk fat from milk, cream or butter at high temperature with or without fermentation. It is almost anhydrous milk fat.

Ghee is popular in India has got typical pleasing and appetizing aroma. It contributes color and flavor richness to foods and at the same time promotes good health. Clarified ghee contains not less than 99.5 % fat and fat is the most valued milk component. Ghee is one of the most widely used milk products in numerous foods for various purposes and considered as the supreme cooking and frying medium.

Ghee is believed to be coolant, capable of increasing mental power and in pure form is used to feed children because of its therapeutic value, and is mixed with honey and used as an aphrodisiac. The oil is considered to be fairly stable due to the low water content as well as high antioxidative properties. It is also rich in CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), which shows anticarcinogenic effects.

Ghee oil is a complex lipid of glycerides (usually mixed), free fatty acids, phospholipids, sterols, sterol esters, fat soluble vitamins, carbonyls, hydrocarbons, carotenoids, small amounts of charred casein and traces of calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc. It also contains not more than 0.3% moisture.

Glycerides contribute about 98% of the total material while the remaining constituents are sterols (mostly cholesterol) occur to the extent of about 0.5%.
Ghee Oil: Fat Content