August 23, 2021

Exothermic bioconversion

Biomass is recognized as a renewable resource for energy production and is abundantly available around the world. Biomass can be converted to bio-fuel via different thermal, biological and physical processes.

Bioconversion is the process by which an organism or its enzyme bring out chemical changes on compounds that are not part of their metabolism and they result in the formation of novel or useful products.

In exothermic reactions, energy is transferred from the reaction system into the surroundings. The average kinetic energy of the surroundings increases causing the reaction mixture to increase in temperature and get warmer.

Exothermic: from the Greek exo meaning outside and therme meaning heat. An exothermic reaction is a chemical reaction that releases energy in the form of light and heat. It is the opposite of an endothermic reaction. It gives out energy to its surroundings. The energy needed for the reaction to occur is less or greater than the total energy released for exothermic or endothermic reaction, respectively. Energy is obtained from chemical bonds.

In bioconversion highly exothermic process; the heat of reaction has to be removed quickly to avoid overheating and deactivating the catalyst and also to prevent production of undesired methane.
Exothermic bioconversion

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