October 4, 2021

Main roles of sugar in food

Sucrose, glucose and fructose are the most common sweeteners in nature. Glucose is always less sweet than sucrose, whereas the sweetness of fructose is highly dependent on temperature.

Sugar, which refers usually to sucrose, is natural and nontoxic, sweet testing, water soluble crystalline carbohydrates, and every 1 gram of sugar provide body 4K.calories. The main source for sugar is the beet sugar or cane sugar; also there are several sources such as honey, corn syrup, fruits, and vegetables….etc. Sucrose provides a sweetness flavour profile which is consistently liked by consumers at an economical cost.

The relatively high solubility of sucrose is an important parameter for its bulking effect in many foods and beverages. The dissolved sugar increases the viscosity of water-based solutions or mixtures, resulting in enhanced mouthfeel. Dissolved sugar lowers the freezing point of ice cream by preventing the water molecules from combining to form ice crystals, which slows down the freezing process.

By absorbing free water and increasing osmotic pressure, sugar reduces water activity in a food system (e.g. jam), resulting in reduced microbial and mold growth as well as extending the storage life of food. Also sugar can preserve fruits, either in syrup with fruit such as apples, pears.

Crystallization of sugars is desirable in products such as fondant, dragees, fudge etc., but not in many other products like jam and jellies. Crystallization occurs when the solubility limit of the sugar, typically sucrose or glucose, has been exceeded and a supersaturated environment has been created.

Sugar plays an important and single role in contributing to the flavor of food by interacting with other components to enhance or lessen certain flavors. By adding a small amount of sugar to cooked vegetables and meat enhance the food’s natural flavors, without making them taste sweet.

Texture is an expression of the sensation in the mouth. Sugar affects this by providing volume and consistency in many products such as bread, jam and beverages.In bread, sugar affects the volume of dough by speeding up the fermentation process. This gives the bread a more porous structure and softer crumb.
Main roles of sugar in food